Friday, January 7, 2011

The Geo-Party

Since we left off things have happened. I slept, I relearned French, I explored Ville-Emard, I learned some rules, and most recently I bought a chocolate bar. With the jet lag I haven't been able to think of things in order so this might be a little off.

Yesterday, we slept in and some fantastic members of our group made French toast. We played a lot of ice breaker games, and went over basic rules. We had some free time and a group of us walked around Ville-Emard. It's a really neat place where old culture meets new, that's why I selected the picture above, an old building with new graffiti. We walked past a burger joint called "Dilalo" or something like that. We went back there later for dinner, and it was pretty neat. Not that the burgers were incredibly amazing, but they were served upside down. That was the concept of the restaurant, upside down burgers, their logo, the pictures and the burgers themselves: upside down. But they were cheap so II give is five stars.

Today consisted mostly of orientation, lots of rules and we learned to cook. We took the Metro (which is the SkyTrain of Montreal, except it's not in the sky at all) over to the other side of town were we met the Ville-Ray group. We all went over basic rules for a few hours then we went home for a snack and some chefs training. When we got back our shirts had arrived, all but mine. In fact mine wasn't even on the list! Pascal was our instructor for how to cook, she coached us through cooking a quiche, and some nice salad dressing. When I get home I will be quite happy to cook this for you (any of you), because they tasted like a gift that was meant to be shared. Before we went to eat a knock at the door, and there were even more Katimavik people, and a shirt for me! A large portion of why I am on Katimavik is the free shirt, so this is good. I'm wearing it right now.

Etienne left for the night and he won't be back until tomorrow, four people left to go downtown and out of the six who stayed behind four of us, including me, went out for a chocolate bar. Worth it. Now were all just hanging out in the living room, which is truly the happy place of the house.

For those who are wondering why the title of this post is called "The Geo-Party", I will fill you in so that you are not feeling left out. Etienne wanted to do a trivia game with us and he said "Now we will play Geo-Party" and there was silence, with the French language barrier "Jeopardy" come out "Geo-party". Turns out the exact same thing happened to the Ville-Ray group.

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