Thursday, June 16, 2011

Graduation of "The Katimavik Students"

'There's the Katimavik kids!"

"Those Katimavik volunteers are here."

"I didn't know you were with the Katimavik students!"

Kids, volunteers, students, whatever you want to refer to us as, we've made it a long way. This was a week of wrap up Sharon and I spent the bulk of the week preparing for the Health fair on Thursday. Time with the group was spent preparing for the final presentation.

When a Katimavik group is about to leave there is a reflection presentation good bye thing called a "Final Presentation". We had a round table discussion of ideas and my contribution was "So if were always being called "Katimavik Students" why don't we have a graduation. With hats, diplomas, and speeches ...and stuff" Well, they liked my idea.

Thursday was the great day. We started out by setting up tables, including a Katimavik table, and directing people to the right tables. We had tables from within the hospital, Bank of Montreal, Canadian Cancer Society, the Rec Center and more. In fact we had 24 tables of of fascinating information, neat free-bees and countless draw prizes. The Katimavik table was a hit because Francois, with help from Tiffany, was baking fresh bread in the hospital for people to try.

The elegant madness of the event was quite a marvel. Sharon was constantly up at at it, and her battery was fully charged all day (cause she joined us at the graduation later that day). We managed to bake bread, blend smoothies, keep the gift store open all day, and managed a hula hoop competition.

Of course it take a lot (an apocalypse?) to stop Sharon, so she obviously had her honourable duties to follow as a work partner. After a musical introduction (guess which Vitamin C song we played) we, the volunteers, were presented with dipolmas, and we, the volunteers, presented each work partner with a official Katimavik certificate. So here is Codys photo of me and Sharon.

Then Andrew and I presented the awards in hilariously British accents. Tiffany for Hardwork, Cody for Helpfulness, Landen as the Chatterbox, Francois for Leadership, Andrew for Philosopy, Kyle for Manliness, Jessica for Girliness, myself for Humour, and Sarah for Energy. After this Jessica, our valedictorian, made a heart warming speech. Francois presented the composter to the community. Kyle lead everyone in dance, and we finished by throwing our hats in the air.

But we weren't finished. Could there be any better way to finish things off than to jump in the lake? Those who know me may be familar with the my mantra featured on my necklace "Jump in the lake one more time." So the prophecy was fulfilled.

Things still coming up:
-Tomorrow is the last day of work, Francois and I will be attending a BBQ at the extended care facility.
-Dereif camp starts on Friday.
-The men finally receive their spirit names on Friday after work
-Wednsday is D-day

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